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  • 博士前期課程公共社会科学専攻について


本専攻では、学生の研究課題やキャリアパスなどに応じた多様な履修モデルを実現させるため、公共学コース、経済経営科学コース、Economics in Englishコースという3つのコースを設置しています。


 「Economics in Englis」コースではミクロ経済学、マクロ経済学、計量経済学を中心に、理論的、実践的な科目群を配置し、経済統計、金融、医療、経済史など幅広い諸分野の科目を履修できます。すべての授業科目が英語で開講されており、海外の学生にも広く門戸が開かれています。英語での修士論文提出はもちろん、引き続き博士後期課程を経て英語での博士号取得までの道が用意されています。


Master's Program for the Department of Studies on Public Affairs and Social Sciences


For this program, we have established three courses, namely the Course of Studies on Public Affairs, the Course of Economic and Management Sciences, and the Course of Economics in English, to provide various course models matched to each student’ research subject, career path, or other future plans.

In the Course of Studies on Public Affairs, interdisciplinary subjects focusing on current affairs are provided to deal with cutting-edge issues facing our current globalized society. Students can also take various subjects in diverse social science fields, such as law, politics, and international relations.

Note) Those who have completed this course will be granted a Master of Arts (Public Affairs), a Master of Arts (Politics), or a Master of Arts (Philosophy) degree, depending on their selected course and areas of research.

The Course of Economic and Management Sciences provides theoretical and practical subjects in the fields of economics, business administration, and accounting. Students can take cross-sectional subjects in the social sciences field that address a wide range of issues, on the national, industrial, corporate, public institution-based, or individual level.

Note) Those who have completed this course will be granted a Master of Arts (Economics) or a Master of Arts (Business Administration) degree, depending on their selected course and areas of research.

The Course of Economics in English provides theoretical and practical subjects that focus chiefly on microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. Students can take subjects in a wide range of fields, such as business statistics, finance, healthcare, and economic history. All the classes are provided in English, and the courses are also open to overseas students. In addition to support for submitting a Master’s thesis in English, there are paths for students to receive a doctoral degree by submitting a doctoral dissertation in English through completing a doctoral program.

Note) Those who have completed this course will be granted a Master of Arts (Economics) degree.

As a subject group common to these three courses, this program provides practical educational programs, such as international and regional internships and fieldwork subjects. Also provided is a curriculum formulated to develop the careers of specialized professionals and develop human resources who can play an active role both globally and locally.




本专业开设了公共学课程、经济与经营课程、Economics in English课程这三门课程,目的是配合学生多种多样的研究课题及职业通道等,实现多样化的修读模式。





“Economics in English”课程以微观经济学、宏观经济学、计量经济学为中心,设有理论性和实践性科目群,可修读经济统计、金融、医疗、经济史等涉猎广泛的各领域科目。所有授课科目均以英语讲课,仅对海外学生敞开大门。本课程需要提交英语硕士论文,此外,我们还准备了后续升学路线,可继续通过博士后期课程以英语取得博士学位。



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